Nature's Divine Healing | Marla Turnbull | Pittsburgh, PA

Optimal Recovery

Cellular Regeneration


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Omega Blend - 2 month supply bottle

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Product Details

By harvesting omegas from the original algae source, cold-pressing oils from berries and seeds to maintain purity, and placing them inside a capsule made from plants, eliminating heat and oxygen along the way, we are able to bring you a symphony of omega fatty acids in a clean, vegan, eco-friendly way.

Omegas 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9: We’ve rounded out our blend with additional omega fatty acids from sources such as pomegranate seeds, sea buckthorn berries, raspberry seeds, tomato seeds and safflower seeds. These plant ingredients provide other fatty acids such as omegas 5, 6, 7 and 9, as well as other omega-3 fatty acids such as ALA.

What makes our Omega Blend different?

Most omega products contain a single omega ingredient, usually omega-3 and usually from fish oil. Juice Plus+ Omega Blend is a blend of 5 omega fatty acids, all from plants.

Supply Info
1 bottle equals = 2 month supply
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